Our Grounds Operative Kirsty has been busy sowing and growing wonderful pollinator plants for our hanging baskets. We hope to be putting out over 80 baskets along Winchester Road, Botley Road, and Eastleigh Road from Monday 5th June. We have also grown plan
ts for a brand-new planter built by our grounds team along Sandy Lane.
The Ground Team has also sown wildflower seeds and turf in various areas of the parish including the open space at Horton Heath Community Centre, Oak Walk, and New Century Park, which will bring a rainbow of colour to these areas.
Works in Twynam Field continue with the installation of a new bug hotel, which has been filled using some natural materials found in the park, with the assistance of the 7th Eastleigh (2nd Fair Oak) Cub Scout Group. Some trees have been planted and wildflower seeds have been sown in some areas of the field to determine if the site will accept them. Site works will continue, and a new pond will be installed in the lower field using donated stock tanks from Stoke Park Farm over the summer months.