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Small Action Savings
(savings per measure)

This information has been obtained from independent, nationally recognised sources such as the Energy Savings Trust.

Much of the information provided is based on assumptions of typical annual use for a three-bedroom semi-detached property with gas central heating and an average occupancy of 2.9 people (as supplied by the Energy Savings Trust and Building Research Establishment) and on the average use, current cost and carbon content of particular fuels.  The information also relies on the accuracy of the collection and measuring and does not include a proportion of the full cost of production from cradle to grave (decommissioning etc) in producing the energy and in the energy savings measures.

Given the initial source of the information, it is considered acceptable to use the figures as an average guide to potential annual savings but it must be remembered that analysis of an individual situation could produce different results.  The change in behaviour resulting from taking small actions is priceless!.

All savings have been rounded to the nearest £ and were valid as of November 2019. 


Furniture carbon/finance savings Source: National Furniture Reuse Network


Food Waste Information based on 2.4 people from Source: Waste and Resources Action Programme, WRAP


Meat consumption figures based on 100g lamb meal (beef is significantly higher) costing 37.4kg of CO2e per kg meat produced (updated January 2021) This equates to 3.74kg CO2e per 100g lamb meal per person.

Supermarket  average meat prices based  on 100g lamb (October 2021) £8.46 per kg.

Howerver, you cannot just take meat out of the diet, you need to replace the protein and other dietary requirements.  Thus the financial savings for removing meat for one day and replacing with other food across the year are £65 per person or £189.32 per household.

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